About Us

Purple Values is here to engage moderate voters and counter polarization, hence ensuring that moderate perspectives are not only heard but drive positive change.

The Purple Values Organization is dedicated to galvanizing moderate voters, and educating them about the importance of uniting as a cohesive force, particularly during primary elections. Through education, organization, and collective action, Purple Values aims to showcase that moderate viewpoints not only have merit but can also be victorious.

Purple Values seeks to empower, educate and unify voters valuing social compassion, fiscal responsibility, and constitutional adherence, thereby, moving the dialog away from political extremists toward centrist views.

Our three core values include:

Social Compassion

Both sides use extremist rhetoric, identity politics, victimization, and fear to divide voters. Centrist voters value human-centered solutions that consider multiple points of view to find workable solutions.

Fiscal Responsibility

The federally elected officials are poor stewards of taxpayers’ money. The financial health of the country to paramount to its long-term success. Centrist voters value financial restraint, lower tax rates and a balanced budget.

Constitutional Adherence

The Constitution has been reinterpreted to further political agendas. Additionally, Americans’ lack of understanding about the Constitution has made them vulnerable to divisive manipulation. Centrist voters value constitutional knowledge and a return to constitutional integrity.


Purple Values Organization seeks to organize and educate moderate centrist voters on the need to:

  • Coalesce as a voting bloc – support moderate/centrist values, especially in primary elections, without consideration of party ideology.
  • Set aside party loyalty and minor political differences/priorities
  • Understand the US Constitution – its meaning, its purpose, its evolution

Voters, companies, and organizations often with extreme or self-interested agendas are the donors, volunteers, and voters in primary elections. In order to be victorious in primary elections, politicians adopt positions and become beholden to the extremes in their parties. This political reality is forcing the division in the country.

Centrist voters prioritizing social issues vote Democratic; centrist voters prioritizing fiscal/economic issues vote Republican; independent voters’ support is split between the parties. This large voting bloc, of like-minded voters, is ignored because it is fractionalized and lacks the unification to get candidates through primary elections.

Purple Values seeks to unify centrist voters and to moderate the political discussion. A unified and engaged Purple Values voting bloc can become a force in the primaries and elect moderate Democrats and Republicans to office.



Purple Values’ vision is to reverse America’s political polarization and make fiscal responsibility, social compassion, and constitutional adherence mainstream positions across political parties.


Purple Values Organization’s mission is to identify, educate, and unify voters regarding fiscal responsibility, social compassion, and constitutional adherence, thereby, moving the dialog away from political extremists toward centrist views.


Our values are:

Fiscal Responsibility

Social Compassion

Constitutional Adherence

It’s time to take action!

Send a powerful message to candidates: an eager and united bloc of moderate voters stands ready to propel you to victory. Moderates, your combined strength is a force waiting to be unleashed. The moment has come to rise up, come together, and engage wholeheartedly. Your active participation is the key to making a difference!

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