Join Us!
Let candidates know that a unified base of moderate voters is ready to propel them to success. Moderate voters, your collective strength is waiting to be unleashed. It’s time to step up, unite, and participate actively.
Imagine a united, engaged voting bloc, whose policies are painted in the values of purple voters. This collective force has the potential to make waves in the primaries and pave the way for the rise of moderate voices within both the Democratic and Republican parties.
Join a community dedicated to nurturing unity among moderates, revitalizing political discourse, and healing divisions. Our mission is to empower moderate voices within the political sphere. This is your call to action.
The information, you provide, is essential to the movement! Purple Values will use this data for activities such as keeping you informed, verifying voting districts, eliminating fraudulent entries, and focusing our efforts on the correct districts. Please read our Privacy Policy. We value your privacy. Purple Values Organization and Purple Values, LLC will not sell the information you provide to third-party marketers.